What if business felt… easy?

You just want to work your magic. Just do your thing without having to do micromanage at every turn.
Friend, you’re in the right place. We help business owners just like you get their business back-end back under control.
Here’s some projects we’ve helped our clients with, and the wins they experienced because of them:
Automate the back-end and save 300 hours yearly
Reallocate resources and save $500+ a year in subscription fees
Reframe the workload and save 100 hours of training a year from turn-over (that’s also $2000+ per year)
Create Standard Operating Procedures and policies that make processes repeatable — freeing up space to truly step away
These are the kinds of things that can happen when you work with Ontario Assistant as your online business manager.
Work your magic without micromanaging and muddling through marketing and operations.
I’m in the building stage.
I’m in the bootstrapping stage, but I need expert eyes on something. Bonus if I can get help sooner rather than later.
Sound like you? Check out our
Day Reservations + Consultations

I’m in the scaling stage.
I’m established and ready to stop being the bottleneck in my business. I want to start delegating more, and work with someone I trust to grow my business even more.

So tell us, friend. Which one sounds like you?
Sound like you? Check out our
‘Done-For-You’ Projects + Retainers

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